They don't even have to be dogs. Friend status is attachable, probably to something tangable, could it be a pet tomato?
This will involve conversation. It will involve daily participation. It might involve calling a friend to take care of it when you are gone. You must fill its water dish and feed it food.
You'll want to spend personal time with your tomato. How are you feeling today good buddy? I like to sit next to my pet with a cup of coffee, and a quart of fertilizer. I get the coffee and Brutus Magnum (my new favorite) gets the fish emulsion. We sup our juices together while I listen to him grow. We have a relationship.
Until it's time.
I stroke my chin and ponder. It's not easy to eat a pet. What am I doing!
It is then that I remind myself that our relationship is a working relationship. The chicken gives out eggs and a tomato gives out ... tomatoes.
A pet tomato is a wonderful thing. Summer goes better with one - or ten.